Dedicated to serving growing coffee brands

Available products

Our Certificates

Our coffees proudly bear certifications of excellence, including a Q Grade score of 85+, IFS Food Standard, and recognition from the Specialty Coffee Association, ensuring unparalleled quality and taste. We're also committed to sustainability with our compostable packaging, aligning premium coffee experiences with eco-conscious practices.

Q Grade 80+

Vsa naša kava je ocenjena z 80+ točkami na mednarodni lestvici. Tako skrbimo, da imamo v ponudbi le najvišjo kvaliteto kave.

IFS Food

Certifikat zagotavlja varno proizvodnjo kakovostne hrane, povečuje transparentnost, sledljivost, učinkovitost in stalno nadgrajevanje.

Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)

Globalna skupnost, ki si prizadeva za trajnostno, pravično industrijo premium kave preko dogodkov, izobraževanja in raziskav.

TUV Austria - Home Compostable

Certifikat OK compost HOME zagotavlja popolno biorazgradljivost domačem kompostu.

Nespresso Compatible Coffee Pods

Kompatibilne s kavnimi aparati Nespresso® Original, kar zagotavlja kakovost in udobje.

Why Us?

Low initial investment

Our MOQ is low, therefore your initial investment is also low.

Clean label

All drinks are free of colorants, additives, artificial flavoring & preservatives Simply put, the packaging label does not contain any added artificial or unwanted ingredients.

White label production

Our own R&D team has developed more than 20+ different recipes, from kombucha, iced tea, functional drinks, lemonades and more…

Private label

We have our own professional R&D team that can turn your idea into your ideal drink — we LOVE new challenges!
high quality & flexible

Private label coffee services

Roast to arder
proces strats with our beans

Process Starts With Your Roasted Beans

Toll Roasting
Process Starts With Your Green Beans

Mix, Blend & Infuse
From Custom Ingredients To Nutritional Supplements

Contract Manufacturing
To Your Exact Specifications

Laboratory Services
Commercial Services for Craft Brands

Who is selling our drinks under their brand?

Healthy online and offline retailers
Traditional distributors and retail chains
Companies that want to have a unique and popular product

Everything you need to know about private label coffee

Coffee industry success relies on delicious coffee and loyal customers. By committing to a private label coffee partnership, you can meet customer needs more closely with high-quality products. Learn more about private label coffee and how Joe’s Garage Coffee can help your business.


Private label coffee consists of a partnership between your organization and a third-party coffee producer. By working together, you can produce exceptional coffee and establish a brand that sets itself apart from competitors. The coffee supplier produces coffee according to your specifications, while your company handles regular business operations and customer communication.

Private label coffee consists of a partnership between your organization and a third-party coffee producer.


Becoming a partner with a coffee supplier jumpstarts your growth in the coffee industry. You can rely on the supplier to produce high-quality, consistent coffee while you focus on promotion and daily business operations so customer satisfaction increases with top-quality coffee and enhanced customer service.

Other benefits of a private label supplier partnership include:

  • You can differentiate your brand and target specific audiences with a unique coffee flavor.
  • You can reach broader audiences by combining business strategies with your supplier.
  • You have more time to respond to customer inquiries and concerns, creating a more satisfying customer experience.

While private label coffee suppliers offer many advantages, you need to pick an organization that meets your company’s needs and business goals. Your supplier should support you as your business grows and meets new demands.

These are a few important traits of a coffee supplier:

  • Provides high-quality coffee: One of the most important aspects of coffee production is its quality. To set yourself apart from competitors, you must provide consistent and smooth coffee for customers. As you search for a supplier, explore how they approach coffee production. Suppliers concerned about quality seek excellence in every production aspect, from choosing equipment to product tasting. If possible, view their production facilities and observe their processes.
  • Has fast turnaround times: Your supplier should also be reliable. They need to fulfill orders with accuracy and timeliness. Their performance impacts customer satisfaction — they expect great-tasting coffee with regular stock levels. While delivery and production delays are sometimes inevitable, your supplier should communicate regularly with you about changes.
  • Scales with your growth: Private label coffee suppliers should be prepared to support your current and future production needs. As your product grows in popularity, you might have to increase production rates to keep up with demand. Finding a supplier that handles high-volume orders and can grow with your company is important to avoid the need for a new supplier later.

How to create your own private label coffee brand

First contact & project assessment
It can be via email, telephone or in person.
Product R&D (if needed)
Let’s talk about your wishes, expectations, products…
Tasting & sampling
Our in-house expert team will lead you throughout the onboard process and assist with all your questions about fermentation, flavoring and packaging your kombucha brand.
Production & dispatching
Once we have your kombucha recipes done, we will prepare samples for you to test them and give us your feedback.

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Okusi mlečne čokolade in lešnikov, ki jim sledijo značilne brazilske note dušenega sadja, ki spominjajo na jabolčno pito.

Inteziteta 6/10


Bogata, a sadna in zrela skodelica z notami ribeza, ki jih podpira globoka karamelna sladkoba.

Inteziteta 8/10

Hišna mešanica

Poln in bogat okus ter sladki okusi, kot so čokolada, karamela, oreščki, začimbe in pridih rdečega sadja ter jasmina. Zelo uravnotežen, zaokrožen, gladek občutek v ustih in kompleksni okusi.

Inteziteta 7/10